Only Players registered and placed on your team are allowed to play on your team. Breaking this rule calls for immediate dismissal as a volunteer.
ONLY people registered with the league can participate in directly coaching the players or helping with practices. Parents may have the desire to help but are not allowed unless they are registered with the league. Please encourage them to do so if they would like to volunteer.
Before beginning any practice or game check out the condition of the field to make sure it is free of objects like sticks and rocks and is safe for play.
You must always have your player’s registration forms at all practices and games. No registrations forms—No Play. A player is not on your team until you have the official registration form.
Every player must have shin guards. No shin guards—No Play.
Report all injuries to the league safety coordinator.
Each player should have the correct shoes or cleats. Encourage the parents to invest in a good set of cleats. Remind them to purchase only Soccer cleats (soccer cleats don’t have the front cleat on the toe).